
This page explains how to check statistics such as the number of page views and ticket applications for an event.

The statistics page allows event organizers to see how many tickets have been signed up, how many people are visiting the event page, and other indicator information for each event.

The main statistic tracked are as follows.

  • Current number of orders (total orders)
  • Daily order number
  • Current page views (cumulative)
  • Daily page views (shown by day)
  • Premium feature users only: Custom Form accumulated stats etc.

The data can be viewed by various classifications such as by ticket and by day of the week. It's also possible to out put this data in CSV format.


    If the above does not solve your problem, please contact us via the inquiry form.
    (Our business hours are from 10:00am to 6:00pm Japan time on weekdays. For inquiries made on weekends and holidays, our response may be on the next business day.)